1️⃣ Tracking Job Opportunities

  1. Create a new job opportunity by adding a new card to the Interview Processes Database.
  2. Open the card, and use the Company Template to get started.
  3. Then, start filling out the details of the interview process in the top part of the card.

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🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

2️⃣ Tracking Stages within a Job Opportunity

  1. Within your Job Opportunity, use the pre-populated table to map out the different stages of the process (from application to offer)
  2. Use the Date and Status fields as appropriate. If you use the date field, the interview/application will appear in the Interview Calendar
  3. I recommend that whenever you open a new opportunity card, you can start mapping out the 4 most likely steps: Application, Recruiter Interview, Business Interview and Offer

🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

<aside> 💡 Each time you complete a stage, the progress indicator in the Job Opportunity cards will reflect the progress you made.


3️⃣ Preparing for Interviews

  1. For each interview step, you have the option to create a dedicated space to prepare for the interview. To do this, simply open the interview card, and use the Interview Details template
  2. You’ll find a list of prompts and things to get clarity on before (and after!) the interview
  3. I also encourage you to connect a set of potential questions to prepare from the

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🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

4️⃣ Preparing Answers to Common Questions

  1. Head over to the . This database is essentially a list of questions (sorted by theme) that will help you keep track of your interview preparation.
  2. This database holds some pre-populated questions, but I strongly suggest you complete it by collecting more questions relevant to your domain.
  3. Open each question to find a space to take notes, along with some helpful prompts and answer formats such as SBI. If the content is not yet pre-populated, use the Question template.

🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

🔎 Double-click on GIF for full-screen view

<aside> 💡 As you finish preparing the answers to the most relevant questions in your job search, you can mark them as “prepared” using the Status field.

Keep your Notion doc open whenever you are on a video interview, and swiftly switch from one question to another to access your notes. This works even better if you already attach the questions to the Interview Card.


A few last words…

Please share this with whoever needs a better system for their job hunt. And please: customize this to your heart’s content!

Good luck with your job search!
